Soul Reading + Belief Clearing

What would you ask your Soul?

Are you looking for insight, clarity, or understanding in an area of your life that you just can't see around?

Are you feeling disconnected from your true purpose?

Do you want to feel enlightened and inspired around next steps?

Are you having a hard time processing a recent setback or heartbreak and wish to gain insight on the larger lesson?

Do you want to feel confident that you are on the right path?

If you are nodding "yes", you want to receive a Soul Reading! 

Hi, I'm Charlene...

...and I would love to connect to your Soul and help guide you towards greater clarity and understanding around higher lessons, potential & more!

I Want a session!

What is a Soul Reading?

A Soul Reading is an intuitive reading in which I am able to channel your Soul/Spirit Team/Higher Self and gain valuable insight to your higher potential, increase awareness around patterns and unconsciousness beliefs that may be holding you back. I am able "see", "feel" and "know" past, present and future possibilities and offer you guidance from your Soul's point of view. 

It's a way to look at your life through your Soul's perspective, a mountaintop view, rather than knee-deep in the trenches. And in this way, a Soul Reading can provide inspiration, healing and growth.

I begin each session with a short guided meditation to help ground us and then I connect to your Soul, Spirit Team, Higher Self and answer any questions you have. I will have my eyes closed as I empathically "see" images, receive a "knowing" or strong "feeling" around what I am receiving. I will translate the information to you in a way that feels grounded and practical. At times, I see things as metaphors and will ask you for guidance, i.e., does this make sense? does this resonate? The session can take many twists and turns as you are truly leading the way to discover your own clarity, and understanding. 

A Soul Reading is not a typical "psychic" reading in which I only channel your future. It's a collaborative reading in which you are leading the way of discovery and healing with the questions you ask. Although future possibilities do show up, you have free will to create any future you wish!
A Soul Reading is incredibly valuable in that once you receive guidance, you truly have the power to change, shift your perspective, and make different choices, which changes your future. The purpose is to remind you that nothing is simply "happening" randomly, as you are always co-creating your experience. 
My intention for every reading is to empower you to deepen your own inner connection, and live in alignment with your Soul's purpose. 

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How I Work

What is a Belief Clearing?

Belief Clearings are a powerful + empowering way to eliminate old thought patterns that are stored in our subconscious from childhood. In just one session, you can overcome doubt, shame, resentments, and fears by getting to the root of how & why the belief was formed in the first place. 

Our bodies are our truth-tellers. They store all experiences, emotions, beliefs and memories. Your body has its own electromagnetic field. This field has control over muscle movement.


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Muscle Testing

We use muscle testing (which doesn’t hurt, btw) to ask questions of your subconscious to determine what beliefs you are currently holding. Each Soul is unique and often takes some specificity & playfulness to determine what programming you are carrying. Once an old belief is pulled and replaced with a new, empowering belief, the muscle test will change and in most cases, you will feel it immediately. And if you don’t feel different immediately, you witness that a shift has occurred in your subconscious... which is amazing!

Within days you may observe things are different in the way you handle issues or view things relating to the subject we worked on. Many times issues we have with others are just perceptions we hold and when we change, it changes how we perceive things, and how others treat us.

Once the old belief is cleared, you feel liberated, free and ready to move forward in ways that are aligned with your Soul's purpose, dreams & desires. Belief clearings are the quickest way to receive our manifestations! 

Give yourself some time to think about what you wish to ask. The more specific, the better!
If you are wanting clarity around love and relationships, a good question would be: I'm noticing I keep attracting the same kind of romantic partner, what is behind this pattern? What is the higher lesson for me to receive? Same can be asked if you are single and wondering how you can attract a romantic partner.
If you are feeling blocked around career or a sudden change in your life, you might ask:
I am can't seem to move forward with any certainty, what is the larger lesson for me in this? How can find more ease? Is there something in my way of attracting my dream career?
If you are having a hard time moving forward from a life set-back, you can ask: I'm stuck wondering why this has happening to me... can you help me understand the higher lesson? Why would my Soul choose this heartbreak/ teach me what?

You can ask anything you wish! These are just some examples of ways to access the deeper meaning behind your experiences. Remember: Your Soul chooses to learn through experiences and relationships. You are never being punished. You are always given opportunities to expand into your highest potential.

Before a Session:

After a Session:

Your intuitive channels stay open even after our session so it's important to take some quiet time for yourself to journal thoughts, feelings, emotions that may arise. You may find additional clarity and insight days after our reading so it's for your benefit to continue to be your own channel and release whatever needs to be released. Your ability to receive lies in your ability to stay open. Keep the communication going!

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My whole life I felt connected to something greater than myself. I used to speak to God all the time as child. I grew up with an insatiable curiosity about life and a knowing I was so much more than my physical self. 

But, like many of us, as I grew older, I ignored all that connection and knowing and began to spiral in the opposite direction. I listened to what society and my family told me. I spent my teens to my late twenties following what others told me I should do to be happy.

I questioned my intuition and that manifested into tremendous self-doubt. I came to the painful realization that not only wasn't I happy but I had forgotten who I truly am. I felt completely lost.

It wasn't until my thirties after my big dream of becoming a successful artist didn't pan out, that I experienced the biggest breakthrough of my life. I woke up to that earlier knowing and have spent every day since following my inner voice.

During the Pandemic, my curiosity led me to a psychic bootcamp course where I began to develop my intuitive gifts. I wanted to rebuild the inner connection I had as a child and learn to trust it implicitly. I never imagined I'd do readings for others but as it turns out, connecting to other's soul/spirit team was natural for me. Later, I continued to study and practice how to clear limiting beliefs from all time/space realities. I love being a vessel for which higher messages and real transformation can occur. At the same time, I love being human.
I truly look forward to connecting with you!

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