Ok, I admit it…I was weirded out by the whole idea of “naked yoga.” Just who goes to these classes anyway? What are the benefits? Is it all just a gimmick? A peep show? And… could I make it through one of these classes without giggling like a teenager? I was about to find out. Before signing […]
Last night, as I was walked from the East Village to the subway, I spotted a young girl sitting underneath the street light with ragged hair and a cardboard sign that said, “Sometimes You Just Need A Little Help.” I glanced at her for a moment and then continued walking, as I normally do. But something told me […]
People have often asked me what I hope to achieve as my 40th act or wonder why I began this journey of fearlessness to begin with and I haven’t always been truthful…until now. I want to fall in love. There. I said it. Admittedly, I know by expressing this truth, I am opening […]
You’re probably thinking two things: what exactly is a cuddle party and why would I want to go to one? Well…I decided to sign-up because I was curious (and if you’re wondering, I found the group on Meet-up) and because the thought of cuddling with strangers in a non-sexual way felt really scary and let’s […]
Last night a group of eleven friends and I went to the lower east side to voluntarily get trapped inside an old theater. We had sixty minutes to figure out clues and solve puzzles in order to…(dun-dun-dunnnn) Escape-the-room! I wouldn’t consider myself particularly good at solving puzzles or mysteries, for that matter. Most of the time, […]
There are two important life lessons that occur when a woman matures into her “forties.” First, you generally stop caring what others think about you and two, you realize the annoying inner voice that told you getting your nose pierced is a terrible idea…is actually wrong! Perhaps I should speak for myself when I say […]
I decided to buy poster board and advertise that my performing in the park was part of my fearless acts challenge. And that was a good idea. I quickly learned that singing alone in a crowded park doesn’t garner much attention. I also happened to be next to the booth promoting, National Orgasm Day so, I had some stiff […]
This was the one “act” that completely scared me: standing up in front of a bunch of strangers in a classroom-like setting NAKED while holding poses for 15-20 minutes at a time. Yep, all the feelings you’d expect were coming up for me but…that’s also what intrigued me to do it. I wanted to know…How would it […]
I’ve never been good at team sports and especially ones that included… (get your minds out of the gutter!) BALLS! All through school, I was never chosen first for any team and I don’t think I was ever properly taught how to hit a softball. And whenever someone would ask me to play, I would […]
A few weeks ago, after announcing to my students that I was doing this challenge, Dante (pictured above) approached me after class revealing he is also turning #40 this year and wanted to know what other fearless acts were on my list. “Well, I’ve always wanted to #Swing Dance at Lincoln Center!” Dante smiles, “You know, I used to […]