I didn’t want to do this one again. I just didn’t. Nope. No, thank you. I did it once and it turned out great so I’m gonna lean towards the big “HELL NO” in my head and respectively decline. But then…There’s this other voice in my head…a much softer, kinder, nudge of a voice, […]
Last night, as I was walked from the East Village to the subway, I spotted a young girl sitting underneath the street light with ragged hair and a cardboard sign that said, “Sometimes You Just Need A Little Help.” I glanced at her for a moment and then continued walking, as I normally do. But something told me […]
Last night a group of eleven friends and I went to the lower east side to voluntarily get trapped inside an old theater. We had sixty minutes to figure out clues and solve puzzles in order to…(dun-dun-dunnnn) Escape-the-room! I wouldn’t consider myself particularly good at solving puzzles or mysteries, for that matter. Most of the time, […]
I read online that Hannah Brencher wrote thousands of love letters to be received by random strangers in an attempt to fight off her own feelings of loneliness and depression. She left them all over #NYC where strangers would find them in the most random and unlikely places. I loved the idea but wanted to […]
I had this one written down…I want to try on wedding dresses. I want to feel what it’s like to see my reflection as a Bride-to-be. But every time I went past a bridal shop, I chickened out. I was afraid. Getting married and having a family is something that I really want and I […]
Bryant Park is a mecca of deliciously fun activities for the summer. Besides outdoor movies on the big lawn, there’s a reading room; board games (including my favorite, Sorry!); ping-pong; dance and fitness classes and… FREE JUGGLING LESSONS. Can you guess which one I chose? Truth be told, I’ve never been known to have good […]
So there I was, relaxing at Washington Square Park after just talking with my good friend, April about how I need a day to relax and not think about doing another fearless act when…this guy walks by me with a small camera crew and a sign that says: “Truth or Dare, Me.” Hmmm, I thought. […]
Yesterday afternoon, I was busy rehearsing for a Flash Mob happening in Times Square that evening. The rehearsal, about three hours long, was filled with everyone from Grandmother’s to Mom’s and Daughter’s to even kids as young as ten. We were all donating our time to CREATE JOY THROUGH SURPRISE (company’s motto) and inspire the […]
So, I’m sitting outside in between classes when I had this crazy/silly/very me idea to skip around the city. My first thought (after I was laughing uncontrollably) was there’s got to be a group or something that gets together and skips and sure enough, I found one! In the city! Since I haven’t skipped in […]