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Forty Fearless Acts & More

I decided to buy poster board and advertise that my performing in the park was part of my fearless acts challenge.  And that was a good idea. I quickly learned that singing alone in a crowded park doesn’t garner much attention. I also happened to be next to the booth promoting, National Orgasm Day so, I had some stiff […]

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Fearless Act #30: Busking at Washington Square Park.

40 Fearless Acts

So there I was, relaxing at Washington Square Park after just talking with my good friend, April about how I need a day to relax and not think about doing another fearless act when…this guy walks by me with a small camera crew and a sign that says: “Truth or Dare, Me.” Hmmm, I thought. […]

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Fearless Act #20: Accept a DARE from this guy!


Truth: I probably would do something like this if I were on vacation but never in my own city. But that’s what this challenge is about…how can I CREATE more fun and spontaneous moments in my everyday life. So, I took of my shoes and socks off, asked someone to watch my stuff and ran […]

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Fearless Act #14: Jump in the fountain at Washington Square Park!

40 Fearless Acts

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