Yesterday, I bought the 24-hour day pass and was ready to go on my first Citibike through New York City. Here’s a play-by-play of my internal dialogue as I biked through the city: Ok, this is going to be FUN!…rules say, abide by traffic laws, stay off the sidewalk and ride with traffic. Easy…I can […]
There are five stories in my building and each floor has five apartments so I figured, it won’t take me too long to knock on someone’s door and say hello, right? I started on the 5th floor and worked my way down. As I approached the first “knock,” I could feel my heart racing and […]
I used the Public Toilet in Paris. It’s actually kind of awesome! You press a button on the outside, the door opens, you enter and this is where I got it wrong the first time. I tried to close the door manually but the old, French man outside started speaking to me in French (which […]
Ok, truth… I was tired. It’s my last night in Paris and I haven’t picked up my guitar since I brought it with me. I was going to pack, clean and rest before tomorrow and just chalk up the whole “singing in Paris” as something I’ll do next time. Then I remembered this challenge and […]
I took my first yoga class in Paris inside these beautiful doors called, Rasa Yoga Rive Gauche. The class was entirely in French and although I don’t speak the language, I do understand yoga and was able to follow the teachers instructions perfectly. She stayed at the top of the class and pointed to specific […]
Six months before my fortieth birthday, I booked a solo trip to Paris to celebrate the milestone….and, I cried. I realized I had not taken a vacation for myself in ten years. TEN YEARS!! How did I let this happen? Just ten years prior, while approaching my thirtieth birthday, I made a life-changing decision to […]