First cup of coffee made in my new apartment celebrating my internet has been hooked up. Woohoo 🎉
It’s these “little things” that we take for granted in the States. Like, how we receive a temporary ATM card while waiting for our real one in the mail. Definitely not the case here.
Trash is picked up everyday in my building and along the Seine river. Every morning I see men (well, usually men) picking up so much garbage left from the night before. It’s astonishing. And can I tell you how many men (yes, I mean just men) I’ve witnessed peeing along the river. #gross
How simple things like buying a hair dryer or hangers can happen in a typical Rite Aid or Duane Reade. But here… I can’t find more than 3-5 hangers at a time for like 7-10€. Or, a hair dryer for less than 50€. (Ps- Check out my stories about what happened to the one I ordered from Amazon).
All of this to say… I am loving these everyday, seemingly mundane discoveries. It’s what I signed up for when I agreed to move here.
And to think, a year ago I had no idea this would be my life. I didn’t even allow myself to dream it because I didn’t think it would be possible. I kept thinking… Paris would be “too hard.”
We can hide behind our fear of change or “hard” or we can step directly into that “hard” and know on the other side, is our greatest potential.
It’s when we push past our edges of what we believe is possible that true transformation occurs.
The fear doesn’t go away. It often gets louder and more intolerable.
But our willingness to step forward anyway… gets easier.
Discernment takes practice. And so does believing what you truly desire is possible and…already yours.
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