Life Is Like A Spiral…

Whenever we revisit a circumstance, pattern or wound that triggers our past shame, the Ego loves to brag that we haven’t changed, and we’re moving backwards. So we hook into that narrative and judge or punish ourselves for being where we are. And that could feel like beating ourselves up about it. It could also look like lashing out, being judgmental towards others all in an attempt to keep us stuck in the problem. The Ego loves problems because it gives us something to do instead of feeling something we don’t want to feel.

But how would we know if we’ve grown if we don’t revisit a pattern again? How do we learn our greatest lessons if we don’t get an opportunity to move again through a familiar circumstance? How do we gain wisdom without knowing where we once got stuck and now we know better? Our Soul will bring forth every circumstance, situation and person that is needed for us to evolve into our fullest expression. To become the best and highest version of ourselves we came to be.

Here are some ways to move through a current circumstance that reminds us of our past, differently:
✨Journal: if this is here for me, how could I move through this differently? How would my Higher Self/Soul see this?
✨Self-regulate the body by saying, it’s safe for me move through this with love and compassion. Take deep breaths and remind the body you are safe here in the present.
✨Ask your emotions, what do you need from me now? How can I support you?
✨Be in nature. Nature has a way of connecting us with God/Source and allow us to drop into the present. What do you notice? What do you observe?
✨affirm: I’m ready willing and able to know the higher truth in this. I’m ready willing and able to embody the highest lesson in this.

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