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Forty Fearless Acts & More

It was the last night of my solo trip to Paris, and I realized I hadn’t picked up my guitar since once. I made a promise to myself that I would try and play live as part of my #fortyfearlessacts challenge, but there I was, tired, making excuses for myself… “oh, it’s late, I’ll do it another […]

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You’ll never get rid of your Fear; the trick is to learn to dance with it!


As I’m nearing the end of this fearless journey, I started craving the days back in the beginning when I did something scary everyday.  There was something special about feeling that knot in the pit of my stomach, or the kind of nerves that fly up and down my spine. And lately, I’ve sort of […]

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Fearless Act #38: Just Say, Yes!

40 Fearless Acts

Ok, truth… I was tired. It’s my last night in Paris and I haven’t picked up my guitar since I brought it with me. I was going to pack, clean and rest before tomorrow and just chalk up the whole “singing in Paris” as something I’ll do next time. Then I remembered this challenge and […]

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Fearless Act #3: Singing in Paris

40 Fearless Acts

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"It's Safe To Be Seen" 

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