We have become so fearful of “failure” that we often don’t start until we think we have all our ducks in a row.
And that can mean we end up doing nothing. Staying still. In the job, the relationship, the home… whatever.
My definition is simple: Failure is having an inspired idea, a desire…. and doing NOTHING with it.
That’s it.
It wouldn’t have come through you, if it wasn’t meant for you.
I think we need to loosen the grip on attaching to a specific outcome and simply just get it out!
The creation process is the most fun. Allow the form to change and shift and bend and grow. You are growing with it. Seeing it from new perspectives, new angles.
There isn’t a wrong way to do something, only your way.
You can’t possibly know what’s in store for you if you’re too scared to begin.
Take the next indicated step forward. The rest will unfold as it should.
✨How do you feel about this definition of Failure? What small step can you take TODAY to move towards your desire?✨
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