It was the last night of my solo trip to Paris, and I realized I hadn’t picked up my guitar since once. I made a promise to myself that I would try and play live as part of my #fortyfearlessacts challenge, but there I was, tired, making excuses for myself… “oh, it’s late, I’ll do it another […]
A typical scenario goes like this: you want something, you take the action towards it, only to discover that what you want doesn’t end up manifesting in your life. Whomp-whomp. 😞 Here’s the important piece we keep forgetting: When we get disappointed by an outcome, it’s because we have an attachment or expectation to how […]
I’ve been feeling frustrated at the concept of “clearing our blocks” or “unblocking” what’s in our way to receive (insert manifestation). The energy behind thinking we are “blocked” is lack-based, as if to say there’s something wrong with me and I need to fix this. It’s sending a message to the universe that you are […]