Join me on the adventure

Forty Fearless Acts & More

You know, those unexplainable symbols that seem to show up consistently in your reality that trigger you to think, “I’m on the right path” or “I should take the job!” But here’s where we get tripped up. We think, OMG this IS meant for me! I “should” leave and move to this city or buy […]

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Let’s talk about signs, shall we?


✨There is no power stronger than my will. ✨I am a powerful co-creator who came to experience a whole spectrum of emotions so that I can embody the wisdom and lessons of what it means to be human. And then share that wisdom with others. ✨Tears are my friend. They allow me to release and […]

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Repeat after me:


I spent my early years believing all I needed to do was work hard enough and my dreams would come true. I had no idea (until I actually quit my job and spent my thirties “leaping without a net” towards my dreams) that I could be holding beliefs that were in opposition to what I […]

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“You become what you believe” – Oprah Winfrey.


I read that before, but I didn’t quite understand how it applied to my life…until turned forty. When I turned forty I spent one full year tackling fearless acts around aging, going after my dreams and finding true love in New York City. And every time I would show up to do something fearless, like […]

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Don’t Give Up Before The Miracle.


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"It's Safe To Be Seen" 

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